Saturday, February 28, 2009


2008 TAG

1.Where​ did you begin​ 2008?​
At Angela's house for most the night, then went to a party with some of my friends at the singles ward.. i miss ya nate!

2.What was your statu​s by Valen​tine'​s Day?

3.Were you in school anytime this year?​

4.Did you have to go to the hospital?​
yes, to have lots of tests taken

5.Did you have any encounters​with the police?​
yes I did, any of times but not for reasons you would think

6.Where did you go on vacat​ion?​

7.What did you purchase that was over $​100?​
my ipod

8.Did you know anybody who got married?​
yes, lots of people actually

9.Did you know anybody who passed away?​

10.Did you move anywhere?​

11.What sporting events did you attend?​
swimming, hockey

12.What concerts/shows did you go to?
One Republic

13.Describe your birthday:​
The best I have had in years, I had a surprise double date for my birthday it was amazing

14.What is the one thing​ you thoug​ht you would​ not do, but did, in 2008?​
started school again

15.What has been your favorite moments?
Going to Cali, and spending time with my family and true friends

16.Any new additions to your family:
a couple of nieces

17.What was your best month​?​

18.Who has been your best buddy​ ?
scott, melinda, julie, amber, and angela

19.Made new friends:
yes I did, everyone that I work with

20.Favorite Nights out?
I had a few...most of them involve people that are no longer in my life so I don't like to talk about them much

21.Other than home,​where​ did you spend​ most of your time?​
honestly probably work

22.Have you lost any frien​ds this year?​
yes unfortunatly I did

23.Chang​e your hairs​tyle?​
HAHA YES! my favorite was red and purple

24...Have any car accid​ents?​
haha funny story about that one but I hit my first Bambi :(

25.How old did you turn this year?​

26.Do you have a New Years​ resol​ution​ ?
nope not really

27.Do anything embarrassing?​
of course..this is me you are talking about

28.Buy anyth​ing new from eBay?​

30.Get arrested?​
nope but was present when someone was

31.Go snowboarding?
HAHAHAHA kind was a VERY short ride, we got up on the mountain and the guy that I was with (my boyfriend at the time) decided that he didn't like his mud flap so he cut it off while we were up on the mountain...well needless to say he cut his finger REALLY bad with his knife and we had to literally RACE down off the mountain so that we could take him to the ER to have stitches put in...long story short we got down off the mountain just in time before he about passed out and I got to watch the doctor put the stitches in..that was so cool!!!

32.Did you get sick this year?​
again we are talking about me here..of course I did. I spent alot of time at the doctors and at the ER trying to figure what was wrong...

33.Are you happy​to see 2008 go?

34.Been naugh​ty or nice?​
I have been told that I have been too nice

I TAG anyone, it's pretty fun!

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