Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Too much

Okay So I have been back home since Friday and I have had a hard time adjusting back to life here. There were so many things to see, feel and do while I was there that it is kind of hard to explain everything. I have had a hard time trying to express what I feel and why. I did have a great time yes, it was hard and very sad/depressing to see alot of things. Would I do this exact program again? No, just for the fact that once I have done something I usually like to try something different...but yes I would love to go back to Africa and help some more people but just doing different things and in different places that I went this time. I got to meet alot of really sweet people. I love the Zambian people. They are so loving and happy just about all the time. Of course they have their hard moments and do feel down like we do but for the most part they are a so much more happy, smiling, loving people than the most of our nation...which is kind of sad. Don't get me wrong we have a great nation and I love it here and we do have really happy, sweet, caring, loving and smiling people here but also over here we are a lot more of a "hurried" nation and sometimes forget to have those quailties radiate from within us--myself very much included in that statement. Going over there I saw some people that literally had NOTHING but the rags they have as clothes and those people are the ones that are smiling the most. It is amazing to me that they have so little but are so much happier than we seem to be somedays. I am hoping that I can keep the feeling of Zambia and have my love for others radiate through me...I know I have a ways to go on being completely open to alot of things but this trip has helped me try to see more fully the happy things in the little things throughout the day. I also on this trip saw alot of things within me that I need to work on but at the same time I saw some really great things about me that those have been trying to get me to see...i am just a little stubborn so it sometimes takes me a while. Sorry this is just kind of a ramble post and it is not everything i want to say but it is a start. If any of you want stories or to hear or have questions about any of my pictures or time over there just let me know and I will post some more stuff. :) Love ya all and thanks for all you do everyday.
Alice--a girl from the CRC--and I swinging.

Gift enjoying some Ketchup as a treat

Gift enjoying the sun and not wanting to be in our first aid class

Lisalee and I after I had painted her toenails.

Brotherly love

Kennedy listening to his teacher

Alice and I again.

Allison and Lisalee

yes those are fish in the bucket...and just to let you know they are VERY heavy!!! I don't know how all the people carry things on their head that is so heavy and for as long as they do. Oh goodness they must have strong neck muscles.

a cute girl from one of the villages we went to.

I held a chicken, my grandpa will be proud

Alex and Tess showing their "gangesta-ness" they spelled 'blood' with their hands

This is I think my most favorite photos that I got the whole time I was there....we had gone to a village and went to visit a village grandma..sadly i never got a picture of the really cute grandma but i am sure one of the other people in my group did (the grandma was really cute and sweet) anyway this sweet grandma has taken care of OVER 60 children in her lifetime-whether they were her blood family or not...this sweet boy wouldn't leave her side and was very shy..he is adoreable. The look is just so vunerable that is it heart breaking to me.

This little girl is about about 10years old and she is in charge of her little brother that is on her back..such a sweet and pretty girl.

This picture was taken at one compound we had gone to visit...that day we got to help feel the children there....we feed over 600 children (I believe that was the number I heard)

This boy was just sitting in the middle of a crowd at the compound and just stared at me for a long moment...love this photo as well


*karen* said...

Wow! what an amazing adventure. One day, I hope I can do something like that. Makes you realize what's really important in life.

Randy and Malissa Johnson said...

I'm so glad you are back, we've missed you! I love hearing you talk about Africa and seeing all the pictures!